Thursday, March 12, 2009

The first "real" mountain bike race

Red rock desert rampage took place in St George last weekend as the season opener of the Intermountain cup.

My first "real" mountain bike race compared to a 13 mile race on a dirt road. I chose Sport category for a multitude of reasons, knowing I would get spanked. The spanking wasn't so bad. I earned 15th position out of 19 racers which was less than 12 minutes from the winner and 9 minutes from the slowest person in the 35-39 age group. Could have been much worse.

Last year I learned via road racing that there is no value in saving energy for later. Mountain bike racing is no different. The start was a drag race - for me at least - and by the time we hit the single track it looked like most of the group was ahead of me. Let the beatings begin. I settled into my race, started climbing, and a few moments later I found myself slowing down on the single track due to people in front of me. More climbing. Some people pass, but I try to watch for the gray tag to make sure I can know if someone in my age group passes me. Climbing continues. Pace is pretty tough but not crazy; it's doable at least around the people I'm around.

First downhill arrives finally. I love my 11 year old bike, it just floats. Just as I get ready to consider passing someone the downhill is done, let's climb again. This time it feels like a recovery climb. This is a single track - a sweet single track I might add - but it is filled with people going at a relatively easy pace. I decide there is no need to try passing as there are easily 10 people ahead of me and it would be futile.

Climb completed, downhill flight ensues nearly all the way to the start/finish. Huh, one lap done, I feel pretty good. I decide to grab some shot blocks for the next lap while I'm on a flat section. I look down and see a lap time of 37:00. Huh.

Then the climb starts at the beginning of the second lap. Oh oh. I truly left nothing the first lap and it's payback time. The suffering was a treat if I say so myself. I ran out of gears quickly and just settled in the gears I could handle. There was some yelling. There were some explicit comments. I'm certain there were some people chuckling, including the many that passed me. I'm still watching for gray tags but don't see any. None. The whole race.

Downhill again. Flight #3. Now I'm catching up to some people. I ask to pass one person and am successful. Not many pass me downhill but some do. Those guys are flying.

Climb #4. I catch up to a group again and can't pass. I wait it out. It's definitely NOT a recovery climb this time. I finally make it to the top and really enjoy the downhill to the finish. I get to the flats and pass at least one person before the line. I left NOTHING. I did all I could do. It felt great.

I enjoyed this race course tremendously. It is named the Green Valley raceway. Red Rock Bicycle has a map and directions to it. I recommend the area, and it has great primitive camping as well. 10 miles from In-n-Out.

Token pictures:

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