Absolutely. You have likely read or heard this before: If you ride a mountain bike
go to Whistler!The cross country trails are awesome, weaving all over a bunch of forest, ups and downs, and some man-made bridges to help out when a trail just isn't feasible. As awesome as the cross country trails are, the vibe is all about downhill riding. Two rental outfits wouldn't let me take their XC bike up on the chairlift at Whislter. Let me quantify this: I could have rented a Trek Fuel EX 5.5 but not taken it up the chairlift. I rented a Specialized HardRock and they wouldn't let me take it up, telling me the bike would return destroyed.
Anyways I wasn't interested in killer downhill terrain as much as cross country. We rode
Cut yer bars in the morning and
I rode all over the Lost Lake area in the afternoon including a few miles up and down
Confortably Numb...which started out great but turned too rough to enjoy while riding it backwards on a hardtail rental bike. My favorite ride may just be
Pinocchio's furniture.
Hours of pure therapy!
Whistler village is gorgeous as expected, similar to the other resort towns we've visited. We splurged by dining at
Araxi and were treated to a live show on the concourse. Excellent dining experience.
Oh, and did you know there are a few Olympic venues in and near Whistler?