Friday, December 18, 2009

4 weeks of training in the books

First day of the training I felt there was no way I could achieve 500 hours in a year. I actually feel pretty good about the plan and am starting to think it is attainable.

The plan breaks down into weeks of targeted effort, and for this first 4 weeks it was expected to be 12 hours a week for 3 weeks and 4 hours a week for the recovery week, totalling 40 hours of effort. I reached 36:28. The plan also says to do your best and not worry if you don't make all your workouts, therefore I am not worried.

As scientific as this plan is, there is a over training or burnout clause that is based on one's feel. My legs were dead by the middle of the third week so I only got 9:30 in that week instead of 12. I feel good about stopping, and I feel ok that I worked out so much during the first 3 weeks. I don't believe I have ever worked out as often and as regularly as this plan is needing me to.

I am a believer of this plan. I think periodization makes perfect sense at the workout, week, month, and the year levels. Excited to see the results on race days.

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