Sunday, April 19, 2009

Unhappy body

I enjoyed an excellent 100 mile ride yesterday but my body tells me it did not enjoy it so much. At mile 98 my calves cramped badly in a pulsating manner that I hadn't experienced before. Today my left achille's tendon is popping as I walk down stairs but most importantly my right knee is extremely sore to the point I cannot put pressure on it.

I met up a few team members at the East Canyon Resort earlier today, geared up, rode around the parking lot, rode up the road approximately 1/4 mile, and decided it was best to not ride. That was a HARD decision.

What caused it? Seat too high? Maybe. I recently moved it up after changing my saddle cover. Stephen H. mentioned I didn't cover my knees yesterday and the temperature may have been under the magic 55 degrees. That may have done it too. It sucks either way.

Sucks to get old.

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